


FIFA Coins Four Chelsea fans have been sentenced by the French court to a suspended sentence on Tuesday because of suspicion of racist attacks on the Paris subway, despite the fact that both men denied their racist behavior. It is reported that the four Chelsea fans in the Blues against the PSG in 2015 after the Champions League matchmaking.
The four fans include 25 - year - old James - Fairbairn, 22 - year - old Joshua - Parsons, 37 - year - old William - Simpson and Richard - Buckley. The first two of them attended the trial, were given six months and eight months of imprisonment, Buy FIFA 17 Coins and the two were not sentenced to 12 months in the suspended sentence. And four of them were required to pay the victim Syrah 8504 pounds compensation.
The Chelsea club declined to comment on the matter, but was happy with the ruling, the Guardian reported buy now.


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